If your child has a swollen face and high temperature due to a dental infection
A toothache may not sound like a children’s dental emergency until your child is experiencing it. Your child may be distressed and in pain. Here’s what to remember:
- Immediate attention is very important
- Contact us without delay
- If this happens outside of office hours then please contact the Royal Children’s Hospital at 50 Flemington Road, Parkville, VIC 3052 (Telephone: 03 9345 5522)
If your child has chipped a tooth
- Contact us so we can assess the dental injury and provide any dental treatment if required.
- If the tooth is broken, collect as many fragments as possible and bring them with you when you come to the practice.
If your child has knocked OUT a tooth
- If the knocked out tooth is a baby tooth then we DO NOT replace the tooth for various reasons.
- If the tooth is a permanent tooth then try to rinse the tooth in saline or milk and then put the tooth back into the socket. Attempt to hold the tooth by the crown without touching the root. If unsure then store the tooth in milk (avoid storing the tooth in water) and contact us as soon as possible.
- If it is outside of office hours then please contact the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne, 720 Swanston Street, Carlton VIC 3053 (Telephone: 03 9341 1000).